Sunday, February 11, 2007

Karyn holding Faith AND Makaila for the first time


Melissa said...

You look GREAT!! How exciting to hold them together like that:)

Heather K said...

You don't know me but I'm glad to see that your twins are getting big and look like they are doing so well. How big are they getting to be?

Me :o) said...

What an absolutly beautiful pictures - your girls right where they should be. I'm so happy to see that at last


Lisa-Marie said...

Hi there. I'm a friend of Aimee and Lance. I've been keeping tabs with your twins progress and it has been exciting to see them grow and continue to get stronger everyday! I was born premature too (in 1982) 2lbs 3oz, so this kinda gives me a clearer picture of what I probably went through and what my mom and dad must've felt... thanks for all the updates!
Lisa-Marie Tew